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Join Our Community

We are so delighted you have chosen to prioritize your health and well being and join our community! To get started, if you are a brand new student, please purchase our New Student special, 4 weeks for $59. This introductory membership gives you access to unlimited classes for 28 days after your first class.

In order to ensure that you have the very best experience at Shanti, Please read on for some helpful tips and general information regarding our classes and community!

  • All of our Hot Flow classes at Shanti are heated to between 90-98 degrees and humidified to 40%. Please be sure you are properly hydrated and nourished when coming to class. Take breaks when you need to and stay present to receive information from your body and indications of when it’s time to modify or rest. Our Warm Flow classes run between 80 to 84 degrees with no extra humidity added to the room
  • We ask that you arrive for class with plenty of time to check in, settle in, and get grounded. Late arrivals will not be allowed into the studio, even by one minute. The door to the studio is locked at the start of class time. Similarly, please plan to stay for the entirety of class. There are always exceptions, but leaving early is discouraged.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that will give you a free range of motion and are moisture-wicking. Be prepared to sweat—a lot! Avoid cotton sweats and long sleeves.
  • While you may rent any and all equipment at the studio, you are encouraged to bring your own yoga mat, towel, water, blocks, and belt. All of these items are available for purchase or rental at our studio and we do have some shared props available also, that are regularly sanitized. However, to limit exposure, we encourage you to bring your own equipment. Dumbbells and resistance bands used for Hot Strength PLUS classes are provided and regularly sanitized.
  • Kindness is cool. Be that kind soul that offers to adjust their mat to make space for that last student standing around looking for a spot in class. To that end, we have lowered class capacity and marked the floor with small gold foil Shanti logo stickers. When you come into the studio, please lay your mat out according to the mat markers.
  • Please use your time in the studio as one to unplug and disconnect from the “to-do list”, technology, and all the things that can heighten our tendency to be distracted. If you must have a device in class, please make sure it is silenced and out of the way
  • If you register for an in-person class and the class is full and you don’t show up, you will be charged a late cancellation fee of $22. We kindly ask that you remove yourself from the class roster if you know you will not be able to attend.
  • We do not offer refunds on any membership/enrollment purchases. Additionally, unlimited memberships cannot be shared. Class card memberships can be shared with spouses or children. Ten class cards have a strict 6-month expiration date.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have! We are here to support you in your wellness and fitness journey and remind you that we are all more similar than we are different—let’s cheer each other on and inspire each other to be grounded, grateful, and present. What questions do you have? Get answers now! (

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