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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions we get at Shanti. If your question isn’t answered below, please reach out and we will answer it.

Welcome! Be sure to take advantage of our 4 weeks for $59, New Student Special. After you’ve completed your profile in Mindbody you can sign up for classes and buy a package that makes sense for you. Arrive at the studio for your first class 10-15 minutes early to allow our staff to help you get settled.

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Our Hot Flow classes are taught in the Vinyasa style, meaning, they flow and move on the breath. Unlike some Hot styles which are stationary, in a Vinyasa class, you’ll be guided through a sequence of movements that will give you elements of strength, cardiovascular conditioning, core strength, balance practice and also many opportunities to infuse mindfulness and meditation into your class experience. While all of our teachers offer their classes in their own signature style, generally classes will follow the following format–Integration and grounding, sun salutations, standing balances, backbends, hip openers and final rest, savasana.

We have students of all levels and all abilities in our Hot Flow classes and do not designate classes based on level of experience–all of our classes are all levels with the understanding that the style of yoga we teach is physically demanding at times. Our teachers are skilled in offering appropriate modifications and advancing options for students across the spectrum. Please let the instructor know if you are newer to the practice, or if you have any injuries that you need assistance with. Work at your own pace and remember to moderate your exertion and rest when necessary.

Yes. Classes are heated to between 92-98 degrees and 40% humidity. Come well hydrated, ready to sweat and walk out of your practice feeling refreshed and renewed. Our warm classes sit between 80 and 85 degrees with no extra humidity added.

You should bring a Yoga Mat, a face towel and a larger towel for your mat, a bottle of water and a change of clothes if you’re headed elsewhere after class. We also recommend you bring your own blocks and a yoga belt. We do have a limited number of shared props at the studio that are regularly sanitized.

Comfortable clothing that has some wicking properties. Avoid long sleeves and heavy sweatpants. We practice barefoot so no need for any special footwear.

Yes, we have one shower that is offered to our students, first come first serve.

Out of respect to our teachers, students and the dedication and commitment of both, we encourage students to arrive early and stay through the end of class. Late arrivals will not be permitted and the door is closed and locked promptly at the start of class time.

Hot Strength FAQ

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions we get at Shanti. If your question isn’t answered below, please reach out and we will answer it.


Inferno Hot Pilates is a High Intensity, low-impact workout that uses the Tabata method of interval training (HIIT). Expect to move through simple, effective, and doable movements using just your body weight. Hot Strength is complementary to yoga practice, weight lifting, cycling and, generally, being a modern human! HS is for everyone, and hits all the bases–glutes, core strength, cardiovascular conditioning, upper body and lower body strength and all levels are welcome! For new students, scalable options are offered throughout class. Most importantly, expect to have a TON of fun in this upbeat total body class!

Hot Strength Plus classes follow a similar format as Inferno Hot Pilates classes but introduce the use of dumbbells and resistance bands! Expect to hit all the bases in this class–glutes, core, upper and lower body and of course, CARDIO! You will gain muscle mass and get stronger by the class with this incredible workout! If you are practicing in the studio, equipment will be provided. Classes are designated on the schedule as “PLUS” classes and also broken down into UPPER BODY, LOWER BODY and FULL BODY.

Yes. These formats are heated to between 90-95 degrees.

Wear comfortable clothes that provide you with full range of motion and that are moisture wicking, if possible. The class is taught barefoot, so no footwear is needed.

You will need a mat, towel, water (be prepared to sweat, a lot!) and your own yoga block if you’d like.

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