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All Classes

All of our membership options give you access to all regularly scheduled classes at both our Hopkinton and Natick studios.

New Student Special

  • 4 Weeks of Unlimited Classes for $59 (new students only)
  • 28 consecutive days from first visit. Cannot be paused/extended.

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Drop In

  • Adult: $30
  • Active Military, Student and Senior Drop in: $22 (in studio purchase only)

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Five Class Card

  • Adult: $125
  • Active military, students, and seniors (65+):  $100 (in studio purchase only)
  • 3 month expiration from your first visit

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Ten Class Card

  • 10 classes: $210
  • Active military, students, and seniors (65+):  $170 ( in studio purchase only)
  • Six month expiration from first visit

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Root Membership

  • 10 classes per month for $129
  • 3 Month commitment required. Unused classes do not roll over.

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Thrive Membership

  • Unlimited classes per month for $149
  • Six month expiration

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Annual Unlimited Membership

  • Unlimited Classes for one year for $1500

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** Unlimited Memberships cannot be shared and will be processed with a credit card on file, monthly.

**Class cards may be shared within families.




Experience the Shanti Yoga
Difference Today

Shanti Yoga Hopkinton Shanti Yoga Natick